I personally think that hacking is really dumb because when you turn on those hacks and goes onto a ramdom server and just for hacks, and you got a permanent ban. You just wasted your own time to hack. I just tried to used the hacks once, and I won a lot of games, but people aren’t happy because I hacked. At last, I got certain punishments and I know that it is not correct to hack. So I stopped hacking.
What I’m going to give advices to people who are using hacks to play is just stop. You are wasting your own time if you are just get onto a server and hack. Just de-install the hacks before it’s been too late – A moderator discovered.
Thank-you for taking the time for looking at it, if you have any comments, just post it.
Sometimes people get really infuriated by not winning and think it’s unfair, and then they hack so they have a 100% chance of winning the get the satisfaction of feeling like you’re the best in that round. Obviously other people will not like it and report you as fast as possible for not playing by the rules.
I don’t think that that is a good reason to make it unfair and ruin other people’s time and have never done it myself.
To hack on a building server is different though. If u use autobuild to make buildings you can’t make yourself is just boring. If you showcase it to someone to say: Look how good I can build! Yea sure, but I can’t see the fun in that.
I used to hack too and i won almost all games but then i realized that it got me a bad reputation, it wasn’t as fun of an experience as playing normal and i just felt really bad about the other players, so if you hack uninstalled it before its loo late like koolcities said