The server was disconnecting alot on 1-6-13 and then I got disconnected again and I just left because I was sleepy anyways and when I came back in the morning I got on and I died instantly, and when I came back to Wood Ridge the town/city where I died when I came on and my stuff despawned. >:(
Then I made this tread to see if I can get only these items back which I had when I died.
andy, your issue sounds like a natural loss. As terrible as that loss is, it is something we should not change. Items should not despawn easily either. Even when we reset the server when I died, my items were still there. They should only time out if you don’t get to them in time.
ianhou, have you made a deathchest yet? It would ensure issues like this are impossible. Just create a sign above an unused chest and write “deathchest”. When you die, all your stuff goes into it.
Hmm, sounds like your stuff may not have despawned… I think the deathchest system may have taken your items. I wonder if your items are stored in a chest somewhere or perhaps sucked into the void since you did not have a deathchest.
We need to test what happens to donators/staff when they die and don’t have a deathchest. Far as I knew, your stuff just dropped where you died.