Design Quests for Survival!

Hello Everyone, we are looking to make new quests for survival, and we want your help making them.

So, if you can create something, you will likely see it put into survival! We will alter the rewards for balance of course.

qQuests Template:

Can quests give items as rewards? If so, maybe a ‘Farm 250 wheat’ that gives a single animal spawn egg.

The link to the plugin explains a lot of what it can do, but yes, items are a possible reward. In fact, I think enchantments might even be possible. The system uses any command an admin can program it with from what I can see.

The really should be able to accommodate most all rewards and quest types. The kill SpecialK quest for example did not count it if he was killed by ranged weapons or natural causes such as fire.

One of the quest types (the gathering one) will take any items you gathered, but we can set the reward to include those items to be given back.

Blue Beauty!:
      type: collect
      id: 351:4
      display: Lapis Lazuli
      amount: 20
    message: Hey! I need some Lapis Lazuli to make a necklace for my wife! I'll pay you $250
    message: Aww… fine… I'll go find someone else :(
    message: Thanks! She's going to love her present! :)
      money: 500
      health: 0
      hunger: 0
      - 3 1
      - 4 -5

repeated: -1
invisible: false
delay: 1
nextQuest: ‘’
tasks: Collect 10 Ender pearls
type: collect
id: 368
display: Ender Pearl
amount: 10
message: Psst, you there… You think you could give me a hand? The Endermen thieves around here are becoming a problem. Do you think you could ‘take care’ of them for me? You would be rewarded generously.
money: 0
health: 0
hunger: 0
- 3 1
- 4 -5

message: Damn it. I’ll have to find someone else I guess…
money: -50
health: 0
hunger: 0
- 3 1
- 4 -5

message: Nice. That should make things easier for me. Here is your reward.
money: 500
health: 0
hunger: 0
- 3 1
- 4 -5[/code]

Not sure how to set up the market bit. And the message might need shortening.

Cool! More like these!

I will probably have to come up with something later when i manage to finish my homework.

But how will the Protect PCB from a zombie apocalypse work? Time For andy_ to get to work! LOL