Daily Question Thread!

:smiley: Welcome to the
Daily Question Thread!

the rules are simple:

  1. No google

  2. No bing

  3. No other helpful interwebz site

  4. you only get one guess

  5. Have fun!

If You win, i will give you NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

To submit your answer PM me just so no one can see. Please do not spam ny inbox with random shit.

Only the winner will get nothing.

the looser also gets a smily face…

The question is…

A man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?

Answer: a Quarter to two. (1:45)

Winners of

  1. Liam
  2. ka_52
  3. Ouhai_Ruby


  1. Legend of Charks
  2. Hard24get


  1. Hard24get

Easy peasy.

leamon squezzy

Sorry for the Necro post but i wanted to revive a thread that everyone seemed to have enjoyed. BTW, Riddle is up

  1. I don’t know why they lock gas station bathrooms
    [size=1em]2. I have never seen a gas station bathroom locked when not occupied.

[size=1em]3. That would explain a lot if it were true.

I tend to modify the first post. That is where the question is posted :slight_smile: