Cucamonga Republic: Unique Voting Poll 12/13/15-12/31/15

Vote on BOTH please, this poll is open to non-Rancho residents also!

Who should the mayor of Long Beach in the year 2016 be? Candidates SELECTED BY FILIPENIS.

Which city should be started as soon as possible in 2016 by Filipenis? The winning city will be the first city connected to Rancho. (I’m hoping everyone picks Las Vegas, NV!) Once the city is picked, development in Rancho Cucamonga will still continue as normal while plans are made to make the necessary connection to the voted city!


January - Plan freeway route & exits.

February - Terrain editing around freeway route.

March - Freeway construction & detailing.

April - Towns along freeway on the way to voted city constructed.

May - Towns along freeway on the way to voted city constructed.

June - Towns along freeway on the way to voted city constructed.

July - Construction of voted city begins.

August - Voted city is operational and open to residents!

September - Vice Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga, CA elected.

October - Vice Mayor of (Voted City) elected.

November - Vice President of Cucamonga Republic elected.

December - Voting on next city begins!

Vote for me because I manage to tell people whats good, whats bad, what needs improvement, what needs to be finished. My critique is EVERYTHING!

-Also vote me b/c I love beach-like neighborhoods and am already in the works of helping Fili in that general area anyway.

Further voting needed to break the tie of Las Vegas and San Francisco!

vote me seeing as my house dominates the cliff in that area

San Fran would be great to have because of the architecture! Downtown would be fun to build as well as the old townhomes on the hills. I vouch for San Fran.


wipes tear

Oh, thanks for the good laugh, mate

come at me bruv

 This post is just my opinion on what the next city should be, and why to vote for me. I would like you to vote for the best person you think should be mayor of Long Beach. I won't mind.

 It's good for me to be mayor of Long Beach because:

A. I’m sometimes open to talk to people, and to accept build requests.
B. I have always agreed on people’s reviews on my builds, and I may improve upon it, depending on how much is needed to be improved.
C. Some of the builds in Long Beach are built by me, and only me.

 I believe that [u]Oakley[/u] (Oxnard, CA) should be the next city in the Cucamonga Republic because:

A. It is the closest city from Rancho, another one being Orange County.
B. It would cut 1/4 of the time required to build a freeway connecting Rancho to Oakley, than connecting it to Blue Diamond (Las Vegas, NV). Also, it would cut 1/6 of the time required to build a freeway connecting Rancho to Oakley, than connecting it to Santa Fierro (San Francisco, CA).
C. We have been building in the Pacific Palisades area. This build is facing the direction to Oakley (Northward, or in-game Southward). The only town dividing Oakley from Rancho is Malibu.


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