Creative Server Updated

[right]Category: Creative Server[/right]
The Creative server has now been updated to Craftbukkit 1.2.3-R0.2. While the critical plugins are functioning (on dev builds), a few others are broken. This is especially the case as Bukkit this time round have completely rewritten their system.

Currently broken:

[ul][li]Forum rank synchronisation[/li]
[li]The text component of LogBlock (see below)[/li]
[li]The admin chat channel[/li]
[li]Periodic message announcement[/li]
[li]Our normal tp plugin[/li][/ul]

OPs please be careful when rolling back now as LogBlock will not currently ask you for confirmation before performing an action (it’s broken).

The teleport plugin has been overridden by Essentials temporarily as our usual plugin is broken. Instead of /tp , it is now /tp .

Bans are also currently handled by Essentials as PCBan is not compatible. The bans should work, just that it will not be synchronised with the website/survival server for now.

Note about mob spawning: Mob spawning with eggs is allowed, but exercise common sense. Do not spam them, do not grief with them, etc etc.

While the Survival map will be changed at a later date, the Creative map will remain as it is at this point in time. The survival server will be updated when more plugins catch up. As it is, Creative is only just usable.

:smiley: Thanks Andy!

Andy the tp command is working fine for me I’ve been tping to people with the regular command.

Ok only trusted can my bad.