filipenis then said no he wasn’t mad. He was afraid of ruby becuase he thought ruby was a girl
even though he’s not and ruby pointed out that fili is a SEXIST C**T
but then didn’t realize fili likes poon and has a girlfriend so took back his comment about fili being a sexist cunt …
Then liam said LOL JK yeah it is the end.
The end. Thread lock?
No one continue the story, i will make one whole post about it, give me a minute
The Story is over.
There was a paedophile who liked to look like a buisiness person so he got in
his suit and went to a strip club then he pooped on the floor. After that
the bouncers got into a spaceship and
fought the evil aliens plotting to kill all of humanity, and I was watching
from earth and I was all like “DUDE!!! Am I high?!” Then the bouncers
became gay and got shot by John F Kennedy in his orange zeppelin made of
pumpkins and candle wax. Then John F Kennedy got raped by Osama Bin Laden
who spontaineously combusted and transmorgified into a shower of sperm filled
with goodness. Then everyone decided Ouhai_Ruby’s mind was a bit messed up and
Ouhai_Ruby agreed and just threw out there that liam is a sheep shagger
that also enjoys SEXY TAIM with
Megan Fox who had turned into a cow because she ate too much beef after
sexy time which liam couldn’t handle so he died (He was too used to sheep).
Later that day Vaio exploded due to overdosing on weed and the real life
blood moon that is happening right now, and vaio will be the only one who
survives because she barricaded all the doors and windows, in Terraria
but forgot about her real door. And so the pedo continues his adventure
in the butthole of many young girls while ggg has a dick shaped snow ball
parade in his chest as r33b0k mutes him for caps use. Then ggg goes
into private and starts yelling in caps
then r33b0k says “Well I guess that goes to show ya, balognia passfires
are fonzi-WHAT IN THE FU*% is that?” And it was bear grylls drinking his
own piss, but bear grills was not drinking his own piss he was drinking
the piss of the person next to him and then a group of ninjas flew down and
chopped them to bits because chuck norris was not there and IT WAS THE
ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY, Filipenis showed up out of nowhere
he came and built forsyth but chuck norris didn’t like forsyth because
fili didnt cointinue with GOOD GUYS BAD GUYS AND EXPLOSIONS!
AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE then 121wer is like what the hell i
forgot the lyrics and i haven’t seen this song in about 2 years so instead he
decided to eat a magical golden crusted hooba bird but, then he realized
he was jewish So he decided to change his religion to christian and go
to a black church and say “amen” everytime the priest said something,
then out of no where a swat time burst through the windows using ropes and
shot the priest becuase George bush commited suicide. He also decided to be
ironic and rob a shop that sells burlar alarms and punched his wife in the
face because shes black. Then he transformed it to a fighter jet cause
apparently he’s a transformer and went of to bomb the Russians (Like a boss)
But Then George Bush Some How Flew out of the water and shot him with his
laser eyes that made him Explode into MANY DIFFERENT chihuahuas that
couldn’t swim and flew to pen island, Fili’s favourite place in the world!
Then they had a Giant Chihuahua Orgy With photosensitive epilepsy.
So it was under a gazebo where they served Asian cuisine with lavender
smoothies and cat wrestling as entertainment and a Filipino rapper who
liked to rap about everyone being mad, his raps went like baby baby
baby oooh! and the crowd was mad at Filipenis, everyone was throwing
tomatoes at him, so he started with an
ERRBODY MAD, YO YO, ERRBODY MAD, OH Oh, and ended with a
very black nigger. Who Beat The Living Shit Out Of fili penis becuase
thats what black guys do. They then bent him over a dumpster and stuffed a
panda in his Butt hole and since filipenis loves pandas, he didn’t mind
being raped by africa people as long as they didnt have herpes or aids.
But they did so Fili penis got aids, Then he went omg Forsyth got greifed
again and forgot about his aids so he didn’t take his drug and he died
in a fire in the forsyth explosion which crashed the server
While the server was crashed, filipenis decided to play single player and
survive in a heavily forested map seed, he built a log cabin
(actual event today) and over 9000 creepers fucked his shit up with
a redwood. then Leeroy Jenkins came on stage and did a barrelroll
before smoking some imploding penises so he could get the minecraft
server back up and we can STOP PLAYING CRAP GAMES ON FORUM SITES
R33B0K laughed at whu’s comment while sitting around doing nothing at work
when suddenly lightning struck a painting but Andy updated Bukkit so it
didn’t work. Instead it made Filis genitals burst into billions of
diamond blocks, which Hard24Get collected and put them in his chest after
chunk norris, delivered a blow that could shatter bones into the crotch of
indiana jones and then he died because it’s not funny to make chuck norris
jokes anymore So at his funeral they decided to have big penises made out
of bedrock and coated with chocolate and diarrhoea and once again, the
pedo business man continues his adventure on a
Magical unicorn that farts rainbows, while he searches for
little vaiovista in the forests of penises and you’re all fucked up
in the head. And the magical golden crusted hooba bird inside 121wers
stomach agreed with liams comment, which angered whubilly and he
transformed into a coal block, and then I drop a nuke killing everyone,
therefore stopping this pointless topic (FULL STOP)
This happened becuase Lemon is a joykiller and destroys our fun
but there was one person who survived and that was
ಠ_ಠ the batman. who proceded to spontaniously combust and that was the end
THEN a meteor with strange life forms hit earth then populated it 2 It also
killed Mr Rodgers in a blood stained sweater and army uniform which had been
spunked on by Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton becuase you cant have
a party with 1 Clinton becuase if you do the other clinton will die. Then
someone called justin bieler was born, and named his grand grand
grand grand grand son Justin bieber, then the whole bieber family was
wiped out by Ouhai_Ruby thus, SAVING THE WORLD!!!
Hard came over and built a spleef arena which sadly got
destroyed accidently by someone and fili cried
and children laughed at his suffering and their faces all looked like
this >:) then then fili killed all of the children
and forsyth was a dictatorship with a population of 1.Then
filipenis lost all of his stuff in a server corruption and nobody cared
because they were eating ice cream but unlike hitler he was stopped before
he took hold with his cruel lies and ideas.
Then Osama came on the scene and 'LALALALALALLAL’d and blew up, then the
US navy did the same thing they tried to every night pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER
THE indies because they are friends with muslims because This is the
ultimate showdown of ultimate repetition good guys bad guys and hobos
don’t look at explosions They blow stuff up then they walk away. Will Smith
walks. Denzel walks. MARK WHALBERG, IS WEARING A CAN OF COKE and
a thong because he was a hard man and thought he was ‘bare chung’ which means
very ugly… and high. On the fumes of a toxic toilet brush which was lodged
in Lindsay Lohan’s anus then filipenis realized every comment on this thread
made him think he was high, so 121wer decided to punch a sheep
which liam then decided to shag because he is from Fuck you.
Which is a country in soviet russia, “in soviet russia country fucks YOU!”
Nikolai comes screaming into the scene and kills everybody to death
and then jenna rose came showing off her new jeans that looked like shit
and she was killed to death too by Barnie, the purple dinosaur, carrying
a blue pickle because green pickles aren’t good enough for barney.
Then Bernie shoved the pickle up a drainpipe and asked WHY ARE YOU
brodour then agreed he was a horny perverted 13 year old and proceded
to kill himself by seeing this guy, and thinking AWW HELL NO!
Because he wanted that afro
COZ AFROZ R UBER MEGA AWESOMESAUSEZ!!! Then liam was bored, and
was wishing that minecraft beta 1.7 would come out lyk, nao, so he could
start work on piston related awesome traps of awesome then liam decided to
kill himself off the anxiety and the thread ended… The end. BUT wait! We
forgot to tell the story of his ressurection. Turns out he didn’t kill himself,
just got bored of this thread. End. OR IS IT!!!No it wasn’t!!!
Ouhai Ruby decided to make a website and is now making a blog post on it
saying how this thread needs to continue! The show goes on even though
filipenis’ last post is lies. But Filipenis decided to look at his website
and comment on the video he has which he should answer my question
i posted BUT i cba atm
then filipenis asked ouhai umad brah? lol and i said no. y? umad bro?
filipenis then said no he wasn’t mad. He was afraid of ruby becuase he
thought ruby was a girl even though he’s not and ruby pointed out that
fili is a SEXIST C**T but then didn’t realize fili likes poon and has a
girlfriend so took back his comment about fili being a sexist cunt lies.
Then liam said LOL JK yeah it is the end.
That was the story, took me for ever to combine but i did it!
Bloody hell, well done vaio!
I’ll lock this thread so it doesn’t get too long
…got into a spaceship and fought the evil aliens plotting to kill all of humanity, and I was watching from earth and I was all like…
… Bear Grylls drinking his own piss…
…So he decided to change his religion to christian and go to a black church and say “amen” everytime the priest said something, then out of no where a swat time burst through the windows using ropes and shot the priest becuase…
… he transformed it to a fighter jet cause apparently he’s a transformer and went of to bomb the Russians… (Like a boss)
which resulted in a open leg fracture…
…and then I drop a nuke killing everyone, therefore stopping this pointless topic (FULL STOP)
repossessed by Forsyth Later that day…