Continue the sentence.

Someone (Me) will start the sentence and you’ll have to add onto it by making a new post
for example,
You may put a full stop at a random time.
Person1 : Once there was…
person2 : a rapist
person3 : who raped cats
You may put a full stop at a random time.
The goal is to reach 30 pages, I will then make a post of all the posts in here and lock the topic, Good luck
Here we start

There was a…

…paedophile who liked to look…

…like a buisiness person so…

…he got in his suit and went to…

…a strip club then…

he pooped on the floor.

After that…

the bouncers…

…DUDE!!! Am I high?!..

… Then the bouncers became gay…

…And got shot…

… by John F Kennedy in his…

…Orange zeppelin made of…

…Pumpkins and…

…candle wax. Then John F Kennedy got raped by…

…Osama Bin Laden.

…who spontaineously combusted and transmogrified into a…

…shower of sperm filled goodness. Next…

…Then everyone decided ouhai_ruby’s mind was a bit messed up…

…and Ouhai_Ruby agreed and just threw out there that liam is a sheep shagger that also enjoys ‘SEXY TAIM’ with…