Continue the sentence.

ಠ_ಠ the batman…

who proceded to spontaniously combust and that was the end.


a meteor with strange life forms hit earth then populated it…

2! It also…

…killed Mr Rodgers in a blood stained sweater…

and army uniform which had been spunked on by…


and Bill Clinton becuase you cant have a party with 1 Clinton becuase…

if you do, the other clinton will die. Then…

someone called justin bieler was born, and named his grand grand grand grand grand son Justin bieber, then…

…the whole bieber family was wiped out by Ouhai_Ruby thus, SAVING THE WORLD!!!

Hard came over and built a spleef arena which sadly got…

destroyed accidently by someone and fili cried

…and children laughed at his suffering and their faces all looked like this >:D…

… then fili killed all of the children and forsyth was a dictatorship …

with a population of 1. Then…

… filipenis lost all of his stuff in a server corruption :frowning:

and nobody cared because…

they were eating ice cream…

but unlike hitler he was stopped before he took hold with his cruel lies and ideas.