…A very black nigger.
Who Beat The Living Shit Out Of fili penis becuase thats what black guys do. They then bent him over a dumpster and stuffed a…
… in his Butt hole and since filipenis loves pandas, he didn’t mind being raped by africa people …
as long as they didnt have herpes…
…or aids…
But they did so Fili penis got aids, Then he whent…
omg Forsyth got greifed again and forgot about his aids so…
…He didn’t take his drug…
and he died in a fire
…in the forsyth explosion…
which crashed the server…
While the server was crashed, filipenis decided to play single player and survive in a heavily forested map seed, he built a log cabin (actual event today) and …
…over 9000 creepers…
fucked his shit up
with a redwood
…then Leeroy Jenkins came on stage and…
did a barrelroll
…before smoking some…
…impolding PENISES…
EDIT: By Ouhai_Ruby to make it make (more) sense