
Hey PCB,

I’ve been timing out a lot lately. I’ve never been timed out or hardly every been. But in the last couple of days I’ve been timing out a lot.

If you guys know why this is happening please tell me. I have good internet and usually get 4-5/5 out of that ping thingy you see on tab.

And I really want to know how to solve it too.

Ty, HiPixels

Yes, it his happening to me too, especially on other servers where I play just fine for like 10mins and I get timed out after it or I have this immense lag and I see people moving each 3 seconds and then they stop. I previously was blaming the first server I tried, but now idk.

Hmm, the only problem is Dan, is that when I play on other servers, I don’t get timed out.