I just bought all the parts I will need for a nice new computer. I’m keeping my optical drive, HDDs, Case, and power supply (its a 620 watt, just enough!).
RAM: 8 gigs DDR 3 (it seems I had DDR 1 before)
New motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138319
New SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147502
New Processor:Intel Core i7-2600K Processor
Graphics card: http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/EVGA-01G-P3-1372-TR-GeForce-460-Graphics-Card-763-MHz-Core-1-GB-G/5238179/product.html?CID=208011
I saved a ton of money by getting the parts from different places. Overstock charged no shipping OR taxes.
Opinions? Suggestions? Warnings such as “Not a Samsung SSD!!!”. I thought it over a great deal between the GeForce 560 (not the Ti version) or the 460. It seems there is not all that much difference between the two, so I chose the $100 cheaper one.