Yeah so new computer and shit, I hooked up my HDMI to the graphics card and not the motherboard, if I hook it up to the MB I get no picture, If I hook it to the card I get visual but no sound
wat do
Your speakers should have their own cord that plugs into your motherboard. We need to know what kind of monitor you have since it seems you are using built in monitor speakers. Are you? If you were not, I’m sure you would not have this problem.
You may need to find the jack that connects to your speakers. There HAS to be some kind of wire to connect your motherboard and speakers. Video cards are not meant to transfer audio as far as I knew. If they do, then you should check for the drivers for the darn thing.
Check your system devices for unrecognized hardware. It’s possible the vid card is just not set to use audio yet.
Usually HDMI should transfer audio. If you are using that 27" monitor that has speakers its probably not designed that way. Also in that case use DVI if you have a cord for that.
or get a DVI-HDMI adapter.