/ban asdfgh permabans a player (op+)
/bind binds two blocks together (advbuilder)
/blocks shows all blocks (banned+)
/cmdbind 1-9 allows you too bind a command too a number use /1-9 too use it (builder+)
/copy allows you to copy blocks advbuilder
/fly allows you too fly
/jail sends a person too jail use /jail too set jailpoint
/mb makes a message block.
/moderate mutes everyone who isn’t op
/mute mutes a player
/setspawn sets a spawnpoint on a map
/zone [OP+] - Modifies or finds zones in an area (zones are areas which can only be modified by the group/person they’re given to, or a superOP).
“/zone” finds any zones in the area given.
"/zone add " adds a zone that only can build in.
"/zone add " adds a zone that only and above can build in.
Zones do not ignore perbuild.
“/zone del” deletes any zone i the area clicked.
“/zone del all” deletes all zones in a map (SupeOP only).
I have put the commands that I feel might be a necessary
/write writes something in bigblocks.
hmm well this is going to help heaps thank ;D ;D