Coloured Signs and Notifications

Suggestion Number 1:
Please!!! Enable coloured and formatted (eg bold ect) signs. I was trying to have one for my survival fort but they don’t work. I believe they are part of essentials so no extra plugins.

Suggestion Number 2:
Some kind of forum notification. I didn’t see that two people had replied to my thread because I didn’t check the recent activity list during the day and by the time I came on I didn’t see them. An email notification for forum posts would be awesome!

  1. I can’t answer for this, depends if it can be added or not, spec, sip or kyle will likely know.
  2. Just go to the recent posts page. If Andy wants to add that in as an option that you can turn off, sure, but it’s up to him and it’s not really necessary.
  1. There is a plugin for it.

  2. You can click “Notify” on the topic, and it will Notify you everytime there is a reply to the topic.

@1 Oh, there is already a plugin for this…? How do you use it…how do you get it? O_o

  1. You can do colors with essentials, (perhaps spec knows this), if you dont, I can do it (:p). If you want to use a special plugin for it, use ColoredSigns.

  2. What john said.

To clarify, the plugin would be server side. Nothing anyone can do about it other than the admins that have access to all that stuff.

and by admins… he means _SpecialK. Technically, Andy could as well, but not sure if he would know how. Sip has some experience with that area too.

I’ll look into this. I just don’t want essentials to clash with our other sign/chest shop plugin.

Essentials can do colored signs. I don’t know if a node needs to be added or not. &4hello should make a sign in red for example saying hello