Cleaning on the market

There’s plenty of shops on the market that are just claimed by someone who never really opened a actual store, so i think that some staff should make a “cleaning” on the inactive shops!

P.S: Sorry if i post this on the wrong section, please move it if so!

I like this idea though maybe even go through shops and see if they have any items in the sales chests and if they don’t then give a week notice.

BTW if staff do this please do not delete my market stall. I check in on it every now and then. thnx :slight_smile:

If the shop has been built then staff probably won’t touch it.

However, if we are talking just “claimed”, meaning there’s just a sign saying I claim this shop, but nothing has been done inside. If the sign was been placed more than a month ago, then notify staff, and normally they should remove the sign so that you can use the shop.

But unfortunately there’s some shops with only 3 or 4 chests (probably empty) and nobody touch in the store for the past 6 months or more!

Well, then there are some people like me who just dump stuff in chests at market with a sign, without really being able to put in the time to decorate it. A no-frills, minimalist shopping experience, I would say, but some would beg to differ. So, I would really just check if a person has stuff in the chests for sale. Whether or not people are buying them is another story - otherwise, we’re really just limiting the market to the people who are able to sell stuff effectively, which, to my knowledge, was not the intention of having the server market.