It happened again… We cant find it
Yeah… I’m doing tech work for a client and it seems the hard drive slot I needed was/is responsible for something that makes it work. I honestly have no idea what my 3rd hard drive has to do with running the server, but it won’t start while it’s unplugged.
Looks like about another hour before I can swap em out.
At the same time, I am trying to work with a laptop that refuses to start 99 times out of 100. When it does start, the screen has far too much green at some points, and looks fine at others. I now know the 2 problems this laptop has. 1 - It has a faulty bios chip. 2 - The monitor itself is damaged. Possible that the cord to the monitor is damaged instead. The vid card is fine cause I attached an external monitor to it and it looks perfect. Just don’t shut it down!
Sorry guys, I should have posted something, but I did not expect it to take so long AND I was unable to use my PC for the last few hours. That HD I connected? Well it needed a scan at boot and had over 300,000 index files that were corrupt. I let the thing do it’s magic. Now doing data backups then a full reformat on the thing.
Edit: Back up as of 10 minutes ago