Classic OP Command test.

Fine with me, i would love to know how to be more effecient =)

awwwww fatso you no put my score.MAybe becuase me no op :frowning: i wanna see my score!

I would hate to double post but if i make a edit on my other post no one would see it! Fatso why didnt you post my scores on the test? again sorry for double posting.

You didn’t double post. Lemon posted between your posts.


Sorry, I didn’t realise you sent the second half of the test XD

at least i didnt do bad ;D

hey ohai isnt posting the same things on different post also classified as double posting?? (dont get me in trouble) XD

Double posting is posting, then posting again straight after. If you have something to add, edit your post. If someone else posts, then post again. Crappy explanation, but yeah.

Basically you only double post if nobody posts inbetween your posts.