Default blocks
* air
* stone
* grass
* dirt
* cobblestone
* wood
* plant
* sand
* gravel
* gold_ore
* iron_ore
* coal
* tree
* leaves
* sponge
* glass
* red
* orange
* yellow
* greenyellow
* green
* springgreen
* cyan
* blue
* blueviolet
* indigo
* purple
* magenta
* pink
* black
* gray
* white
* yellow_flower
* red_flower
* brown_shroom
* red_shroom
* gold
* iron
* double_stair
* stair
* brick
* tnt
* bookcase
* mossy_cobblestone
* obsidian
Flowing liquids
* active_water
* active_cold_water - (shortcut: acw)
* water
* active_lava
* lava
* active_hot_lava - (shortcut: ahl)
* lava_fast
* magma
* geyser
* waterfall
* lavafall
* finite_water
* finite_lava
Block creators
* water_faucet
* lava_faucet
* finite_faucet
OP blocks
* adminium
* op_glass
* opsidian
* op_brick
* op_stone
* op_cobblestone
* op_air
* op_water
Any door can activate any other door (and are the only way of opening tdoors)
* door_tree
* door_obsidian
* door_glass
* door_stone
* door_leaves
* door_sand
* door_wood
* door_green - This door does not disappear as do others, instead it turns red as it goes activating any blocks it touches such as tnt and other doors. This is basically the 'redstone wire' of Classic mode.
* door_tnt - Turns into lava instead of disappearing.
* door_stair
* door_book
* door_grass
* door_dirt
* door_iron
* door_blue
Note: All _air blocks replace respective doors during respawn
* air_switch (instant)
* air_door (instant)
* water_door
* lava_door
Note: These doors are activated by walking through them, other than air_door.
tDoors are doors that, when open, allow other blocks to temporarily pass through them (like water, rockets, zombies, etc) and can only be opened by being touched by another door.
* tdoor_tree
* tdoor_obsidian
* tdoor_glass
* tdoor_stone
* tdoor_leaves
* tdoor_sand
* tdoor_wood
* tdoor_green'
* tdoor9
* tdoor10'
* tair_switch (instant)
* tair_door (instant)
* twater_door
* tlava_door
oDoors are doors that are toggleable, instead of closing themselves after opening. Once opened, the door can only be closed by being hit by another door.
(NOTE: oDoors cannot activate any door they touch, and can only be activated by ordinary doors)
* odoor_tree
* odoor_lava
* odoor_stone
* odoor_wood
* odoor_tree
* odoor_leaves
* odoor_glass
* odoor_stair
* odoor_sand
* odoor_red - CAN BE CLICKED
* odoor_green - CAN BE CLICKED
* odoor_obsidian
* odoor_tnt
Message blocks
* white_message
* black_message
* air_message
* water_message
* lava_message
* air_portal
* water_portal
* lava_portal
* blue_portal
* orange_portal
* small_tnt
o tnt blocks hit by explosions will explode
* big_tnt
o tnt blocks hit by explosions will explode
* tnt_explosion
* fire
* rocketstart
* rockethead
* firework
* creeper
Killer blocks
* hot_lava
* ahl
* cold_water
* acw
* nerve_gas
* tnt_explosion
* magma - NOTE: air_flood sometimes doesn't want to unflood magma
* geyser
* killer_phoenix
* shark
* lava_shark
* trains
* fire
* rockethead
* zombie
* creeper
Don’t use magma too much
Air floods
* air_flood
* air_flood_layer
* air_flood_down
* air_flood_up
Blocks with “AI”
Path finders
* train
o Rides on red blocks and op_air
o Can be ridden with the /ride command
* zombie
o Will chase the nearest player and eat their brain given the chance
* creeper
o Will chase the nearest player and explode when close enough
Invincible birds will chase the closest player they can see.
* blue_bird- Blue
o Does not die on block contact
* red_robin - Red
o Does not die on block contact
* killer_phoenix - Lava
o Does not die, and kills any player it touches
* duck - Water
* phoenix - Lava
* dove - White
* pidgeon - Gray
Sharks and betta_fish will chase players, while other fish will flee from players
* goldfish
* shark
* lava_shark
* sea_sponge
* betta_fish
* salmon
* wood_float