In the year 350 of our Lord, Anno Domini, Pope Julius declared that December 25th should be the date on which all of Christianity can come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
in other words, ITS CHRISTMAS! Whether you’re Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, any form of Protestant or any sect of Christianity (or even if you don’t practice christianity and just want to borrow our holiday) I wish you a merry christmas!!!
So now I ask, what is a Christmas tradition you share with your family? My family on my mom’s side have a party on the 21st for my grandma’s birthday, we have a christmas eve party on the 24th and a christmas party on the 25th. A fun tradition that we do is a game where theres a seran wrap ball full of prizes like shots, shot glasses, santa hats, money, this year we were blessed by a fidget spinner and other random things and you have to unwrap as much of the ball as you can while the person next to you has to roll dice until they get a double, and when a double is rolled the ball is passed onto that person, and the dice is passed to the next. it gets pretty crazy and VERY competitive. We do this on christmas eve, as well as the kid’s (well, not kids anymore, now its more of teens through 30 year olds, basically the third generation of the family.) Then on christmas is the adult’s yankee swap, which always has some good prizes and some not so good prizes. Toilet paper, dog food, bird seed, fake poop, a plunger and an empty box have all been prizes mixed in with things like cases of beer, pots and pans and other things. Another tradition is watching Elf with 40 people in one room.