Chicken Wangage

Hi everyone! Anyone notice me and javierero every saying “Chicken Wang”? Well,
We decided To get minecraft married. However, this is a chicken wangage. A little bit different.
This is a notice, and an invite! We want everyone to come! We will have it in May, and we have a few
People already taking part in it.

  1. koala & Javi
  2. robin_hoodlum - best man
  3. batman_panda - maid of honor
  4. emmaapple - flower girl.

We are filling up more spots soon. We are welcome to ideas and we hope you can make it! We want rsvps by the end of April. :slight_smile:
<3 koalamama

The Venue is to be decided! We might build it ourselves due to the fact that our standards weren’t met. We are going for a countryside mine craft theme!

Nothing is better than my two best friends getting married <3

I will provide foods and drinks and security if you want :smiley:

I feel honored that I am the maid of honor and the one who took the engagement pic :smiley:

Donations will be accepted towards the building of the scenery! (Country themed)

I’ll donate flowers, any preferences on what kind? Any color?

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu! I can’t wait to throw stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Yaay! I will come!

Can I be the vicar? Please note that I work off BST.

Count me in, I will work security. Also Robin should give Koala away…

I can come on for once and design a chapel or whatever and decorate if you want, and I can make a Limo. I could even be the pastor if you want. :slight_smile:

I can provide you with gold hats! (Instead of rings)

I can do stuff. :slight_smile: I’ll be the limo driver. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll bring cake
And a toaster

Farm Fresh Diner will cater and I personally would love to be the pastor to marry you.

Do you havea date set? I don’t want to miss this. HEY you can honeymoon in your new house :smiley:

Hey if you want help building let me know I also got supplies if you want and yeah like anth said whats the date?

You’ll marry them. Hehehe.

I’ll take some Kurry heads.

Isnt Javi Leaving soon?

@Sword Lol no. Im taking a break till like 2 weeks, i just had myself banned so i don’t get distracted due to finals :stuck_out_tongue: