chichibilly - 28th of August, 2015


Minecraft Username chichibilly

Date of Ban 28th of August, 2015
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by TheOctopus

Reason for Ban Being an irritating twat

Reason to be Unbanned because you are kind and loving and you will forgive those who have made a mistake

[ Ban History ] 7 other ban appeals found
30th of November, 2015

27th of October, 2015

24th of October, 2015

9th of September, 2015

26th of August, 2015

26th of August, 2015

25th of August, 2015

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@TheOctopus ?

Also bypassed with the accounts furryflower and j4sonchen, caused a huge issue. Absolutely not being unbanned

Gotta step in and say, a sassy reason to be unbanned is the best way to stay banned.
I’m not Octo, so I’m not calling the shots, but if I were, that’s an instant red flag.

If you’re serious about wanting to get back on the server, put some damn effort in your appeal.

Yeah, no. At least try and come up with a vaguely compelling reason.