Centre Pompidou - A PCB User Art Museum. ARTISTS and BUILDERS NEEDED

Hello PCB! Lately I have been working on recreating the Centre Pompidou in Rancho. I chose Rancho because I have WorldEdit there and the build can be done faster. I have progressed quite far and most of the exterior is done. A little about the museum: The museum is in Paris and exhibits contemporary/modern art. The building itself was designed to be inside-out and therefore is quite odd looking but still very beautiful.

The museum is planned to exhibit user-created art. This may include paintings or sculptures. It is not necessarily modern or contemporary, it can be any style! We will need artists soon so if you would like to have an exhibit, please contact me. I am planning to give “leases” to players for equal amounts of time where they can showcase their art. This is so that everyone may have an equal opportunity to show their work. If you are interested in leasing an exhibit, please tell me because space is limited.

What I Need:
As of now, I need the help of skilled builders to help design spaces for exhibits. I also need the help of said builders to assist in some landscape etc. The jobs for these builders, if you are interested, are: configuring exhibits, designing the ceiling, light, overall aesthetics. The walls need to be at least 2 blocks thick too so it can support users building into it. Any feedback is also essential to improving the design. :slight_smile: If you would like to contribute, please contact me. If you’re not that great at building, it’s fine! I can find a way for you to help filling in stuff.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

I’d love to help with some landscaping and interior designs maybe a cafe or gift shop? :wink:

I could try to do the rooftop restaurant, but it’d be hard if you look at the photos. I went there for dinner once; it was awesome.

 I want to help in building the Centre Pompidou. Tomi, one of my best builds is south of this build in Rancho. It is a replica of the U.S. Bank Tower. My build can help show how good I am at builds.

I’d be happy to assist. If you ever see me on, just tell me what to do.

Ferf, taking words from my mouth as always.

I’d be happy to help.

I have limited time, but I can do some of the configuring exhibits if you’d like.

Thank you all for the support! If you see me online just message me and I can set you up.

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