Centralised Crash Thread (old)

Post here and let others refer to the time of your post to let players and _SpecialK’s alike know when the server is offline.

You heard the man, whenever it crashes someone shall post here, and PM spec.
Please do not post off topic, this is for server crashes only.

Just went down

The crashes seem to be random so it is most likely due to player actions rather than a plugin. So when the server goes down, can you tell me if you were doing anything at all - ie using fireworks, trying to craft an item.

Its down again, not sure when it went down or why.

I think the server’s been down all day…

No it went down some time between 6pm-8pm GMT I think

I was on when it went down. There were only a few people on. I was standing near a guest and two members in Lobby when it crashed. Nothing particularly strange was going on at the time.

SMP/CMP server has been down most of the day

And we’re back online! Hurray! Just in time for me to go to sleep. See y’all this weekend.

Shut down.

Edit by Kyle: It is certainly up now.

Server is down

Damnit, I was about to hit the button then it disappeared…

Just went down again

its gone down again i think
also can’t use dynamic map

Edit by Sacred: Once again use the modify button on the top right of your last post instead of double posting.

Not down.

Server crashed

1/22/2013 - 12:00am GMT

Server Down

Server Crash - Rebooted

3:05 am CST Crashed again - Rebooted

