Centralised Birthday Thread!

Courtesy of @AGx 's idea, I’ve decided to make a centralized birthday thread! Write your birthday below, and I’ll add it to the list!

Edit: Staff, you can go ahead and modify the post to edit your name and birthday in. Don’t worry about posting.

PrinceMark - January 3rd
chocolate_pug - January 4th
ElydoreMD - January 9th
DeadMeatPete06 - January 11th
SwimGirlForLife - January 22nd
Wolfiea - January 24th
AuhsojNala - January 28th
JakeTFS - February 3rd
Clauliflower - February 6th
MrFerf - February 14th
Felix_The_Gamer - February 19th
Anty_MC - February 28th
jmvvana - February 28th
Sambob_12 - March 1st
AshOverpowers - March 2nd
Jake_Mu - March 6th
LAKottke55 - March 7th
speedytx - March 13th
Silvah27 - March 13th
Lyra_ciel - March 15th
masterboatman - March 18
YeshyYeshiam - March 21st
Zezamik - March 22nd
IRISH_MAN_21 - March 24th
Animaz - March 28th
Gypsycurse - March 30th
Dragonboy112 - March 31st
PrincessPanda - April 4th
Luxury911 - April 4th
thejoshua79 - April 6th
MagmaFlameGirl - April 13th
VirBinarus - April 24th
CallumW25 - May 2nd
wooly19 - May 6th
Emfitty - May 28th
hywel - May 29th
Twan961 - June 1st
verajasper - June 3rd
Totqlity - June 8th
geeawf - June 10th
Lord_Kirov - June 19th
NotApplicable - June 20th
Amphitryon - June 26th
Wairoa - June 26th
maddygabbyy - June 27th
Rangertato1 - July 4th
grantkirby - July 11th
ItzAndre_13 - July 12th
whbilbo - July 22nd
Dantosky - July 28th
Zak96 - July 30th
BroodingSet - August 5th
Brodur - August 14th
Cap_Adam - August 21st
Filipingus - September 8th
INFRRNES - September 21st
groenink - September 27th
Kyle8910 - September 27th
Metazealot - October 3rd
Penguina - October 15th
TwinkyNix - October 16th
Mount2010 - October 21st
AngelSentinel - October 26th
Asmodean_ - November 1st
Ouhai_Ruby - November 5th
DavidJT - November 17th
Vexnorz - November 18th
Legoal101 - November 24th
Tigerx112 - November 26th
BUNS100 - November 28th
AGx - November 29th
sushionsale - November 29th
mastertyler04 - December 8th
Mannriah - December 15th
Slimjim9987 - December 15th
The_Jacob - December 26th
05ocram05 - December 29th

Be sure to post something on your birthday :smiley:

Fun fact: within a group of around 30 people, there is a 70% chance that 2 of them share a birthday.

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It’s 71% : :stuck_out_tongue:

and us having 47 people, it’s even higher, around 96%

March 13

December 15th : )

I’m not here

March 7

December 8th (mastertyler04)

@AGx birthday buddies gang gang

March 31

11th of jan

July 4th (Rangertato)

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October 16th

march 24th b

omg it hasnt been jakoba99 in actual years if you can change it to Jake_Mu i would appreciate it lmaoooooo i sould of checked this sooner

Totqlity, June 8

Unsure if the one doing this is around anymore

Cap_Adam August 21