Staff: This thread is public! If it’s sensitive, use the Elevated Reports forum which is staff-only.
[ul][li]Spawn books are broken[/li]
[li]Voting links don’t award in-game money[/li]
[li]Creative/Bigcity inventories linked[/li]
[li]Potion chest shops not working e.g. 373:8229 for instant heal Tier II - Says ‘shop is out of stock’[/li]
[li]Player heads not working - only spawning notch heads[/li]
[li]Homes show on dynmap[/li]
[li]Server not broadcasting warnings before server restarts[/li][/ul]
The normal ones were still there, but we had another one saying to restart every 2 hours if ram usage was over x amount. With the new way it’s set up, mcmyadmin will always read ram usage as 100% even if it isn’t, so it kept triggering that event. I’ve removed that one and added in a couple other restarts so it should restart every 6 hours, with warnings 15 minutes, 5 minutes and 1 minute prior.
Dunno if this is much of a issue but C-BC Inventories are linked, Yesterday my creative inventory glitched into survival, was fixed by going back to creative and then to survival
I think if players wanted to have access to beetroot, we could make an exception and a member of the staff could spawn 2 or 3 beetroot seeds for them, and then they could build their beetroot farm from there. Just because, like you said, there’s no way to get it…
This is a quite serious problem:
I’ve unbanned a player twice now and their name still is on the banlist now.
They were unbanned till (I’m assuming) the next restart? I have no idea.
Sorry, I noticed that problem this morning and fixed it. It’ll be fixed on next reboot but you’ll have to reunban them. If you give me their usernames I can manually unban them
Never mind, I just checked and it’s already working. The Ban List page doesn’t hide ‘inactive’ bans yet, so if you’ve unbanned them in-game just assume they’re unbanned for now.