Cartaz International Airport

Located in the city of Cartaz (/warp Cartaz) on the Creative map, this is (to the best of my knowledge) the second largest airport on the current map after the one at /warp Hope.

Right click each photo and select “Open Image in New Tab” or Ctrl + Left-Click to open in new tab for best results - these forums seem to crop the photos a lot.

The tarmac/apron area. All three gates and an aircraft are visible.

Runway 09/27 at sunset. The landside waiting area is visible beyond the runway. A hangar and the apron loom in the distance on the far right.

The landside waiting area. The runway is barely visible through the ice on the left side. The security checkpoint leading to the gates is on the second floor in the background.


Hands down better than the Cspawn airport that never was completed :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work on the airport, love the interior.

Please don’t necro posts, this post has not been touched for quite a while.


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