Can you receive Trusted rank if you were temp banned once?

Hey I got temp banned yesterday for cursing(even though i didnt get a warning). I just want to know if that affects my chance of receiving Trusted Rank?

-Mrskee :slight_smile:

btw hard sorry for cussing so much but next time can u give me a warning?

You SHOULD have received a warning. If ya didn’t then it pretty much voids this ban. Unless you’re a generally terrible person who comes in for 10 seconds and then leaves (which you’re not), then you’re fine.

The only thing Hard said before he banned me was :stuck_out_tongue: so does that mean the ban isnt valid?

We’ll have to ask hard, but you should never ban people for something like this unless they were warned first.

Kk thanks i’ll be on later because it’s only a temp ban(i think)

The way you act on the server and on the forums will affect your chances. You will be able to obtain Trusted at some point, but that is based on your behavior and how much Staff actually trust you. Asking for trusted or doing something in a bad manner will take longer to obtain Trusted. Watch what you say and watch how you act. If anything this is a reminder for you. =P

Tempbanned for swearing? I’m just curious who performed the ban because in a case like this we would just kick you if it were excessive, used in spamming matter, or was putting offense to someone. Some of these are also things that are considered when being nominated for Trusted because it’s all about how you work with others and how well you are respectful. Trusted also is something we consider based on your maturity. Like if you joined the server and were perhaps on the immature side and say 3 months later you are past that, we notice things like that.

K thanks guys and I wasnt really offending anyone. Me, dordsor21 and fairytaillov3r(sorry if i didnt spell it right) were just cursing playfully at each other not in a way to offend or emotionally hurt someone. It probably looked like spam because no one else is talking at that time. I take responsibility for excessively cursing, but I still think Ii should have gotten a warning before I was temp banned by Hard. Either ways it was still my fault so sorry to everyone on the server at that time if I was at all offending or disturbing you.

Yeah Skee, Fairytale and dord have been cussing at each other for quite some time. Temp banning him now is kind of like jailing a murderer after he has kill 800 people.

(horrible example but roll with it)

Thanks, I guess?

Depending on the reason for the ban, a ban will only delay becoming trusted, not stop it entirely. I mean, sip, one of our admins, was banned once…

i was banned for swearing by our swear blocker one time while testing it XD

Exactly this, a ban means fairly little if you can prove yourself useful in the community as well as nice etc

Hmm ok as long as its not a big deal cause I mean I wasnt intending to offend anyone but ok. And shadow that doesnt count lol. But wow an admin being banned thats news.

I think you will be fine skee, I was banned when I first joined the server, you just have to regain trust from the pcb community.

I messed up a lot in my early days; patience and persistence can get you anywhere.

No one is perfect :wink:

I mean, look at Sip… He’s been banned…

Did we mention sip, an admin, was banned once?

Why was sip actually banned?
