I would like to have world edit in big city as it will be hard without it and I’m building something big.Thanks!
We like to be sure you’re competant in using it, or prove you’d have a legitimate use for it there.
Like, you’re Trusted, been here a while, etc. But what do you need it for specifically?
Oh I know how to use it as I built commercially for other servers and it was a big help //copy //paste //rotate 90 //set //walls //replace I know all of that stuff. I wouldn’t do anything bad I just need it for my airport! Thanks
Err, an airport in BigCity? Has this project been approved by one of the bigger BigCity peeps? (Wairoa, Octo, etc.) Because if not, I’d ask them first, else it may be scrapped against your wishes.
OK I will
Thank ya. I don’t not trust you with W/E, as you seem to appear knowledgeable, but a project like an airport in BigCity might not be the best, unfortunately, with how much planning and moving stuff around that map gets.
As for worldedit it’s reserved for trusted/upper staff only.
As for an airport, we have A. No spot for one, B. No intentions of building one for a long time as we currently have other projects being worked on and C. Airports are clunky, big and usually ugly and unecessary, sorry to burst your bubble.
Just remember if you want to build in bigcity you still need to check with a member of bigcity’s team before building
Ok Thanks! And I am trusted now.
i was referring to trusted staff.
I already started the airport ill show you it sometime. If you don’t like it demolish it.