Callywags01 Ban appeal

Minecraft Username: Callywags01
Approximate Date of Ban: 03/02/2013
OP Who Banned You: Prilaman (Bubzoluck)
Reason for Ban: Supposed Grief
Reason for Unban: Retrieving my items from my death point

I banned callywag because he build a dirt tower in Farcoast.

I realize that he was trying to “get to his items”. But the thing is, why would he have to build a dirt tower to get to the top of Farcoast if there is a water lift/elevator? And then why not remove the dirt if he put it there to get up the lift as quick as possible? By time I was told of the dirt tower [I think by andy (deffendor)] cally had been offline for some reason ~ I took it as a grief then proceeded to a ban.

Tho, I am fine with unbaning if everyone else is fine with it as well. :slight_smile:

Thank you for making this appeal ^-^

Reason for unban = Wut?

It seems cally was trying to get his items and he thought that building a dirt pillar was quicker than using the elevator?

Yes, I belive so.

Well I think Cally should be unbanned because it seems to me that you did not understand the situation Prila. Unless I am wrong?

At the time of ban it was just a dirt tower he made for no reason. But today when I logged on I was told that he made it to get to his items.

So yes I was mistaken, and yes he should be unbanned.

Unbanned. Locked.