
You win $PCB 310!
I didn’t have very much, did I…

I don’t know who this guy is but m8 BAIIII!!!

Well that didn’t last long the first time…

But then this Christmas, I had a bit of a break for the time that I was at my Granddad’s house, and then didn’t come on while I was playing the games that I got for Christmas.

When I came back on, I realised that basically every time I go on, someone swears. Anyone who knows me will know that I have a massive issue with swearing. And now I’m even more so, now that parts of my brain are trying to suggest these words when I’m angry. So my solution for now will be to not go on PCB until I re-gain my position where only innocent words, or sound effects come into my head.

So why not /swearblock?

well I have a few problems with swearblock. Firstly, it doesn’t remember, so every time I join I have to remember to turn it on, and even then, usually before I have a chance, someone says one of those words.

Secondly, it is sooo ridiculously easy for your subconscious to plaster these words while reading it. I challenge you to read this text below without your mind filling in the blanks with swear words first time



obviously the words were “Compulsively” and “Anything” :stuck_out_tongue:

So for now, and the forseeable future. bye. :frowning:

just a bit of info here the server is rated PG13 so swearing is allowed on the server.

How would *** be “compulsively???” Doesn’t have three letters…

Also, this

Welcome to the internet?

That’s why I’m leaving… I’ve heard that sooooooooooooooooo many times…
Here is a definition of PG-13 language allowances (or however you phrase that)

A film's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, shall initially require the Rating Board to issue that film at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive must lead the Rating Board to issue a film an R rating, as must even one of these words used in a sexual context.

I’m pretty sure I’ve heard those words more than once on this server, and in most cases more than once per 2 hours, or per visit.


Swearblock always replaces any word with 4 im pretty sure. 3 was just a typo.

I’ve seen PG-13 films with more than one swear word or “sexually-derived” word every 10 minutes (or even less)

Well then I hope I never come across them :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve Seen Roots… thats more then u need to know -.-

i will miss you from the server and everything but dont take this the wrong way but are you planning on going to see deadpool or any of those sorts of films?

idk, but before I go to see a film I usually go on
because they have good, in-depth breakdowns of all the factors that would set its age rating. And then avoid the ones with things I want to avoid.

There’s not much about Deadpool on there yet, but it does say to expect “salty language”, so I probably won’t be rushing to see it :P. There’s plenty of other films out there…

I really think you’re taking this out of proportion and doing this out of an act for attention. People are gonna swear in life whether you like it or not so as much as you dont like it, you cannot physically stop people from speaking the way that they do and force your wants of not swearing onto these people. Swearing is allowed on this server, and if that’s something you simply cannot deal with yet in your life then do what you must, take a break, but we aren’t changing this rule on our server.

I can appreciate your decision to follow your own values and belies in regards to swearing. If It makes you feel badly, then you are right to remove yourself from the situation. I wish you the best. One suggestion I have, however, is to shut off chat completely, and then use something like teamspeak or skype where you can limit who is talking with you.

All the best!

That’s actually a good idea. You might wanna try this next time you feel like joining us again. I believe it’s F1 to turn chat off.

No, that is used to take screenshots and such, it removes seeing your inventory, hand, and chat.

To turn off chat it’s in:
Options -> Chat Settings -> Chat: Show (You can change it to Show, Commands Only, or Hidden).

Anyways in regards with the thread, even though I don’t know you much VirBinarus, I wish you well and hope you still have fun with things. See you around.

Thanks for the Chat off, Teamspeak on suggestion. I’ll give that a try next time I can go on!

And yes Prince, that would be way out of proportion if I was trying to get you to change a rule that everyone else is content with. Hence my decision to leave, as opposed to arguing.

hope to be back on there soon!

Sorry to see you leave Vir! Have a nice break from PCB, and hope to see you around again some day! (Be sure to come back though!)

Woo! I managed to find this mod!:

not only does it just **** out the words, it removes the whole line of text as if it were never there!
and because it’s a mod it’ll remember my settings!

/me is coming back on!!!