Bye bye for now...

Sooooo I was kinda hoping I wouldn’t have to make a form post about this but…here it is. I am going to be gone from PCB for I don’t really know how long. A little wile back I put post in the Absence Trend before Christmas saying that I was going to be gone for a little wile. When I did that I thought I was only going to be gone a couple days or so and come back before Christmas. However I don’t think I will be comming back at all over the next month or so. I know I really haven’t been active too much over that past couple months and I really wanted to be it’s just that school never cuts me a brake.
And then as I was finally getting time from school my laptop decided just crash and durn. The mouse glitches everywhere and opens random things the messes with my settings. At this point it glitches so much I can barely log on. (I know this can be fixed by bringing it to a computer fixer person but we have just had so many issues with it that at this point it would cost just as much to fix it as to buy a new one.) So for Christmas my parents pitched in a helped me buy a new laptop!! Yayyyyy! I am supper excited for t to come! However when we ordered it the laptop was supposed to ship Dec. 30. Now it isn’t expected to come until the beginning of February. That is kinda why I have been putting off this post is because I didn’t want to say I was going to be gone and then just come back a week later.
But at this point I don’t think I will be back until February and then get my laptop all set up. I miss everyone and hope you all had a great holiday! See you when I get back <3

(I am sorry if this sounds whiney and company I don’t mean for it too)

Also sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling errors.


I hope to see you soon!

See ya in Feb Katy :smiley:

Baii… :open_mouth:

Never mind we look forward to your return best wishes to for 2017

Thanks guys! And by the way I will still be here on the forms. I forgot to put that.

Will miss ya Katy!

Bye! I hope to see you soon on the server!

Bye katy!

I hope you get you laptop soon, and I hope you do well in school, Katy.

See you next week aha