MrSkee and myself will be hosting build-offs for the foreseeable future, entry is $50, and the winners will receive %70 of the money, 2nd will receive %20, and 3rd will receive %10. We will try to post build-offs on here the day before, and any that wish to join will need to contact either me or MrSkee. Themes will be announced just before the event to discourage copying build from other people.


Remember, the more people competing, the bigger the prizes, so get as many people as you can to join! 8) 8) 8)

Sorry for being a bit late :P, but with the first build-offs last night it was all a bit hectic. Thanks to all those that showed an interest in it! So, I will be hosting another one tonight, at 21:00 BST(British Summer Time), so could all those interested either comment on here saying so, or send me a message in game. Remember, $50 per entry, and first place receives 70% of the money!


p.s. the theme is very British :slight_smile: