Set fire to the rain

I didn’t see an option for this but I’m gonna throw the option out there just so we can think of alternatives if we have to. I think there should be “No item frames, New Market” as another option.My reasoning for this is that item frames are going to cause lag, but everything else is going to cause lag as well such as chests and signs since everything is so close together. The way the current market is setup isn’t the greatest we’ve seen in past markets since every store is literally right on top of each other (take into consideration all those other blocks I mentioned how close they are together on top of that) I don’t personally use the market, but when I’m randomly flying around I do take note that everyone builds closest to the center as they can. Hardly anybody builds on the outside for obvious reasons. Space is wasted on such a huge market as such.If we were to build a new Market there’s a few things I would consider.

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]- More wall space to set a distance between player owned-shops
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]- No item frames OR a limit on the # of allowed item frames per shop
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]- More spread-out layout of Market. Do you choose to lag in a packed area or make the hike to shops if they were just a bit more distanced apart?
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]- Smaller and more condensed space given to individual shops. In addition perhaps we could allow players to own no more than 2 shops instead of having one ginormous shop with chest/sign/item frame clutter to cut down on lag

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]More suggestions to this option are welcomed, I just thought I could throw my 2 cents out there and explore another route if this is what it comes to

Why is there not a 4) Yes we delete itemframes but we also different market

I vote yes and different market

I think Kurry needs to make the option

Well, the whole point of my post was that I personally want the item frames back… So, it’d be kinda pointless for me to add that idea in.

I love items frames, I’m too OCD to not have item frames… Are item frames allowed in OOMS?

TBH I like almost like cry every time i need something from the market xD
I don’t want to keep asking what color or code is a certain thing for sale. I kinda work better when images are involved. I want to walk into a store and find the color without much reading and just buy and walk out. Im rather tired of the market becoming more of a hassle tbh.

(btw I dont cry, I sweat through my eyes!)

Drink your tears bitch

It is true that the market is laggy … like the old one. But, I have a little suggestion to do.
Instead of making a huge market place with lags and all this kind of stuff, why not making much smaller and decentralized structures in players’ cities.
There will be much less lag since these structures will be much smaller (aka less signs, items frames, etc…) and more people will visit these cities.

For the requirement, I propose something like the presence of the city warp, 10 residents and 6 non-housing buildings

firstly, staff don’t like it when you bump old posts, and secondly, already got that: OOMS:
