BigCity Warp

As you may know PCB is a city building server. Our main city, BigCity, isn’t as up to par as I’d like it to be. This is quite depressing. Ive decided I’m going to spend more time helping bring our beloved BigCity up to its full potential. For starters I’ve built a new warp building. Sure, I used W/E and sure, I may have caused a teanie weani crash but trust me… Totally worth it (sorry spec i’ll be more careful :P). Ill be building many other fabulous buildings in the near future. The warp building is still WIP but finished enough to showcase. Hope you like!

Warp: BigCityBuilding

So THAT’S what that was… If you don’t mind, I may move it closer to the current warp spot.

Glad someone else will be working on BigCity too, for a while it seemed to just be Saint and me doing it…

Not many people even get on anymore, hopefully 1.7 will bring some new faces with it.

Don’t forget me >:

Ah, sorry andy! I think it’s just timezones meaning I don’t see you…