BigCity Map Clutter

We’re actually going to start enforcing BigCity rule 8. No builds in the flat area without permission.

We appreciate people have been working on stuff, so we’ll move it into creative for you if you wish.

Post here to get your build moved. Anything left in 1 week (On Friday 18th September 2015) will be removed.

Move it or lose it.

Josh has his market and waterpark -102 65 1092, and a shopping park at -1165 65 1925.

I have my collection of vehicles at -1334 65 -1188.

Very special request for this to remain in the flatlands of bigcity as i only have W/E in bigcity, can my builds please remain there? All other things i have built there can be removed but can i try to come to some sort of agreement for keeping the waterpark and Shopping park there as that was the point of me getting W/E in bigcity… :-\

I think it might be possible to integrate them into BigCity proper, as most cities will have a wall and some kind of sport facility.

Yeah i think this will work fine!

Would this leave the places where they are right now or would they be w/e’d into the plots?

It would be not placed in Plots But moved into Central Big City with the rest of the buildings where i can continue to work on it. We will need to find the right place though.