I feel like the people building in BigCity is pretty slow going due to only being able to make large commercial buildings. I think that if we had a fairly dense residential area we would have more people building because it doesn’t take as much commitment to finish a smaller project.
Plus a residential zone would just be pretty cool, it would need to be a little ways from the center of the city however.
Vote it up! (And explain reasoning for choice if possible)
I think an residential area would be awesome! I know I would build in BigCity if there was one! 
Although I don’t usually build in creative, this could be interesting.
You can always build apartment buildings in the current area. We haven’t designed the road system for a residential area yet though.
This is true, I think people would like to work on smaller projects with the houses, kind of suburbia I’m thinking a little… lol
I am totally for this we can have neighborhoods.
You know it can’t be a city if there isn’t a few suburbs.
We should make them surrounding BigCity.
I believe most people would like for this to happen. Could an area be zoned off? Maybe a possible warp too?
Working on it. It will just take a long time for me to build the road system far away enough to make it look natural. But we will get there soon. You won’t be able to build large sprawling houses, it will be more like dense inner city houses.
Thanks Spec! Sounds fantastic!
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