[size=4pt]please excuse my comic sans
“What is BBQ Night?” you may ask? Well, I’d be happy to tell you.
[size=5pt]shoutout to Asmo for our groovy name
No, this isnt a moonage daydream, this is really happening.
Our plan is to get every single Bowie/Beatles/Queen fan on the server, and we will dedicate a night to those three artists*. (Anything else will be boo-ed and removed, and the person who queued it can be kicked.) Everything from Queen Bitch to Seaside Rendezvous to Love Me Do can be played. Just PLEASE limit it to these three artists, we want to make this night as lit as possible, and we would like to 100% dedicate it to our fallen idols and favorite bands of the past. C’mon guys, lets take a trip to 1975! Its groovy baby!
The night isn’t chosen yet, so I would like everyone to comment below whether they’re interested or not. I’ll bump the thread when we have a date chosen.
*- some exceptions are possible, but frowned upon. Message me before putting in a non Bowie/Beatles/Queen song
this is going to be a night to remember!!!
So is this a listening event through TS/ Dubtrack or whatever? Or something in-game :s
Dubtrack, but people are more than welcome to talk on ts or on the main server.
Sign me up. I love all three bands, but out of the three bands, I have heard songs from mostly Queen (So I guess I’m a Queen Fan). I will frown at any song that doesn’t include the Beatles, David Bowie, and/or Queen. I don’t have plans on queuing any songs outside of the two bands, and David Bowie (I’ll even exclude Rod Stewart’s songs from the montage). If you are wondering, yes, I like Rod Stewart. 
BBQ Night will be hosted on Saturday night, but im not sure what time specifically. 
- Paul McCartney and Richard Starkey are not dead. Neither are Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon.
- The Beatles disbanded in 1970.
- You say you are dedicating it to ‘our favourite bands of the past’ yet you are mostly limiting it to these 3, other people likely have different preferences, not to say these aren’t good artists.
now that I’m done nitpicking:
Is Macca and Wings acceptable?

they both have Paul McCartney in them, so I dont see why not
BBQ Night will be held on Friday, September 2nd. Most likely at about 9:00 - 11:00 EST.
1am for us living in the uk