I am submitting a planning application for a Light Railway in Bayside. I am OK with both partial & full approval but would much prefer full approval.
I am building it myself on the course demarqued by the Diorite blocks. When I first arrived in Bayside, someone had broken the rulesigns, so sorry if that was against the rules.
The planned route goes as follows:
Bayside Interchange
Freedom Tower
Bayside Beach
then back round to Bayside Interchange in a loop
There may be some later extensions, but those will be in a later planning application (maybe later in this thread).
Red is above-ground, dashed red is in tunnel
[move]Update 1[/move]
The original proposal went to Victoria Castle, but I was told I couldn’t do that so I turned it into a loop.
I find this application interesting and by owning a town directly next to Bayside (Victoria) have an opinion on it.
In the past Victoria Castle has had a railway station build onto it without permission and had a horrid clash in style, Victoria itself has tried hard to stay clear of Baysides builds.
If this goes through Victoria Castle and any other area of Victoria will not be built onto or near to.
[size=12pt]In other words Victoria’s Castle and the city itself will be excluded from the project.
Hello! I’m Amphitryon, and I run the United Transportation Corporation (or UTC) which includes National Railways. National Railways is working with Bayside mayor jia0020 to provide a transportation system for the city. In addition, there is a connecting light rail going from Bayside to Reckless Island, and the PCB Subways franchise (not affiliated with UTC) is also planning stations. jia0020 has put me in charge of transportation in the city, so you’ll be dealing with me
Because the NR connection is a heavy rail system, an intercity light rail is not out of the question. Let’s talk on the server sometime about it. You can /mail me in game, and my nickname is ~Amphi. UTC and NR would love to plan something with you!
If you get unbanned, head to /warp acracity and watch for the floaty purple and red clay. That’s YoshiRail. I’m hoping this new rail system will be better than that.
[size=18pt]Bayside Construction Approval Application
Build Project: Bayside Light Rail (Build ID: #TRANS-005-1) Build Approval Status: APPROVED Building Permit to:@Planner_12 Permit Expiry: 2/3/2016 7:54pm UTC
Please note TUNNELS aren’t approved as part of ANY Bayside Transportation System with the exception of NEC/NR’s Bayside-Empire Project.
You may however build an elevated form of light-rail system.
[size=14pt]Construction Permit
[size=10pt]Bayside Town has approved all construction of this project (Bayside Light Rail - #TRANS-005-1). This application is only VALID for 1 year, once expired please reapply on this thread. All new workers working on this PROJECT must gain approval through a high authority (i.e. NEC Railways, NR Railways) or a Mayor of the town (i.e. Mayor, Vice-Mayors). Please note changes to this rail MUST be approved by these authorities before construction.
Thank Your For Your Application.
Kind Regards,
LordErikir (jia0020)
Mayor of Bayside
CEO of North-Eastern Creative2 Railways (NEC Railways)