hey guys im making a pack of plugins and craftbukkit but i have run into a problem i got essentials permission, exactspawns permisson and worldedits permission but i cant get permissions permission if you know a way to get me an answer or if you can get permission for me or if you got any questions or comments post bellow
ive just finished it
it includes
its now in version 2.0.0
hope you like it

Yo dawg. we heard you like permissions so we put permissions in your permissions so you can control while you control.

My first question is do you know how to import a .jar into your project, so it can reference it?

right now its just a foldr but im hoping it will be something great by the end

I would go to the bukkit wiki and read some of the tutorials, and study up on Java.

lolwut?? ^^^

Thanks anyone who put up a helpful comment im in disscusion with the maker ofr permissions now

I’m confused. Are you just putting the plugins into a group and redistributing them? Or are you actually trying to hook into the plugin APIs?

into a group for making it easier to make a server and im releasing it today
sadly without permissions because i havent gotten far with getting them to agree