Ban Appeal - Greifing

To whom it may concern,

I was banned for griefing somewhere near November 10th. I do acknowledge that I removed a block of someones house, but I do believe that I replaced it instantly. There was no intention of harm in my action and I can assure you it will not happen again.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Edward T. Woodruff

Although I was not an eyewitness to the occasion, I will say that I certainly vouch for my Roommate in that he would not bring harm to other’s property on the server. He’s under the same Honor code as I here at USMA, and I testify to his moral standings.

What does USMA stand for?

The United States Military Academy.

Who banned you?

I’m not really sure. I just came on one day after not playing for a while and I was banned.

EDIT: John (Metazealot) just informed me that it was Johnlh97 who banned me on the 10th on November for griefing.

Any news on this?
