Bad News for PCB

I’m afraid to inform you all that the company hosting our server had a breach in network security last night which caused an incredible number of servers to completely lose all data.

How does this affect PCB? One of the many servers that were hit was the one hosting all our user data, maps, configurations and files. Although the culprit was caught, we have pretty much lost our Minecraft Classic server.

I do have my own backups of the maps, but they are unfortunately 2 weeks old. How we will proceed from this here is unknown at this point in time.

Stay tuned.

Holy Crud. That’s one heaping bad news for us. So, does this mean that the server will be down for a few days or weeks? I hope that everything will be fixed soon.

the good thing is that big city didnt have much space to build for the last 2 weeks so it wont be affected as much as flatgrass and guestcity

guest had just been reset too, so not much will e lost.

Yeah, flatgrass needed reseting too. It was almost full anyway. But this is terrible! Oh and Andy, [glow=red,2,300]PLEASE[/glow] get PCB up and running again! PLEASE!

Ive heard you might not fix it? and are possibly going to end PCB :confused: ?

NOOO ANDY PLZ KEEP THE SERVER UP I… I… dont know what i would do

I do not believe this is the end of PCB. All this means is that we have a heap of work to setup everyone’s ranks and such. This may even be an opportunity for us. We have been wanting to try hosting our server on a volunteer’s computer.

We can rebuild it, we have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better…stronger…faster


make a new pcb and make guestcity flat next time :smiley:
and i can say the list of ranks that i know!
monkymine=sop(joke adv)
thats those i can if you count away ops/sop

i think guest city looks a lot better when its ‘leveled’ as it gives it some depth =D


old version though, basically just for looking at XD

The server got a new start the sooner we get this thing up the quicker we can get back on out feet

I guess the best thing is that we still got the forums running. My fellow is setting up his own city build server, yet the community is not being well-preserved. No matter how long it takes for PCB, we are still here.

As for new server, whenever it comes up. I suggest putting up the old big city for display and setting up a new map. The planning phase (streets, highways, mass transit, etc) should take here, on these forums, in form of 2d maps. Also the Guest City could use some improvements like teleports to the opposite end of the map; it took ages for newbies playing in browser to get there.

there were telleports in the spawn area for each tier wasnt there? so people could get to the bottom faster ect