We are pleased to say that we are back online!
Our server host was doing some unscheduled maintenance on their servers, ours happened to be included.
[size=8pt]~PCB Staff
We are pleased to say that we are back online!
Our server host was doing some unscheduled maintenance on their servers, ours happened to be included.
[size=8pt]~PCB Staff
Literally had just made an announcement saying to hang tight. xD
Thanks, John.
I am still not able to get on the server
Its working now
Is it down again? Client is reporting “Can’t connect to server” and “java.ConnectException: Connection refused:”
its dead again
I’ve noticed the server map has been down. Is that on the to-do list?
why I cant log in to the sserver .is it down for maintences again?
dw its been offline for a while now so just come back later
What happened?
[size=12px]what happened to the server will it come back?
Guys this is fom the 24th of may, this isn’t about the latest server problems. Post them here:
Might be best to lock this, but thats up to you.