babsie10 - 5th of April, 2015


Minecraft Username babsie10

Date of Ban 5th of April, 2015
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by

Reason for Ban grief in kallipolis

Reason to be Unbanned I didn’t actually damage anything knowingly and was actually trying to find a way back to the hub. I didn’t actually destroy anything that i know of and if i did i didn’t do this to destroy things but my computer did play up and have destroyed things it shouldn’t have but my apologies if i did but i don’t think it was me who caused this so called damage and hopefully this won’t happen again

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I banned you for destroying different blocks. Our log block does not lie.
To get back to the hub all you had to do was ask or do /spawn, that is not a valid excuse nor is your computer a good reason either. You could have told someone if the blocks broke accidentally or you could have replaced them as these were not laying about which means you have them in your inventory.

Try a better appeal.