Hey Guys,
Because of my normal computer I use for minecraft is under service, that means that I won’t be on until February next year. :’( Also on another note, I will be rarely on for next year as I will be studying for 4 year 12 subjects. I might visit sometimes.
How often will you be on?
I will be on as often as I can, most likely being 1-2 hours per week to procastinate.
What will happen to the NEC Project?
Since NEC is now being managed by National Railways, @YoshioTanabe will have control over the project. Please note I will be contactable over email.
Well, mostly because of education reasons. In case your wondering, I’m studying Physics, English Language, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Maths next year. Anyone who is doing VCE (in Aus) and has questions on Economics, Chinese Second Language and IT Applications, I’ll be happy to help via email or Teamspeak.
Will you ever be fully back on?
Yes I will. Hopefully by the end of next year. Otherwise chat to me via Steam. My username is the same (JIA0020), otherwise it’s Lord Erikir.
I will miss all of you very much,