Another one of THOSE threads

I haven’t been active the past month because i’ve learnt a lot of shocking info about my future and stuff so this might be a bit long;

Recently my father received a job offering in Scotland, so for the time being he’s gone there, meaning my mother, siblings and I are still in India. Because for the past year or so he’s been working for a different company in London via the internet and due to powercuts and him not being able to do his work, he didn’t always get paid; meaning we’re currently broke as fuck.

I’m already two years behind in school, I’m turning 16 in 3 months and I’m still in the God damn 8th grade (year 9) due to not going for a year because of the difficulty of finding a good school, and then going to one that ended up being shit and now going to another school, which i am currently still in.
I’ve finished one term at this school, but might not be able to continue because of money problems (indians making shit up about not paying them when we clearly did (because my mother is white)) and because i’m already two years behind I need to buckle the fuck down and study.
We’re moving to Scotland in December, and they might put me with the 8th grade (once fucking more) oR they’re going to put me a year above that, and in that case i’ll be a shit ton behind, so eITHER WAY i’ll have to study or else i’m fucked, and playing minecraft isn’t exactly in my favor right now.

I’ll check the forums now and then but I probably won’t be back on the game for another 6 or 7 months…
See y’all on the other side

Good luck with school! Hope you find somewhere you like!

Goood luuuuuckkk and all that shit.

I thought that all the Indians were born Engineers already. My life is a lie.

Have fun with that and good luck. I will still keep talking to you :slight_smile:

Oh btw I left you a lil something in your home in kurrys base. Good luck with it hahahahhehehe

And nemo really misses you

Cya on Facebook, The spagetti monsters still hate you <3

Hello IT support how can I help

In all seriosness thats heartbreaking to hear. I hope you get back on your feet. I know how it is to feel like you’re getting no where in life. Which is why I took a huge break from MC. Just keep on, keepin on Rebzy. Tunnel vision.

Good luck!

Whatever happens, just enjoy yourself. It’ll all turn out fine eventually.

Dem embedded brackets tho.