All hail our new overlords

Whil and Hywel, you guys did a great job at mod and I am super happy for your promotions, you deserved it!
Este and Ferf, you guys are very helpful when on and very nice people to have on the server at all times, congrats!
Manning and Wairoa, jeez I wasn’t expecting dis xD, congratolamundo!

congrats all ^^

Congratulations, everyone :slight_smile:

Man, I remember when most of you joined. How you’ve all grown :’)

Pretty sure you were one of the first people I met on the server, back in the 599 days. Crazy how long it’s been.

Congrats to everyone that got promoted, member to trusted, to mod, Op, Sop and even up to admin!! i mean you guys are amazing! great staff team around, well deserved promotions!