A poem I wrote

So, my English midterm was about a month ago. I was just dusting around my Dropbox account and happened to stumble across this and decided to share it. It’s supposed to at least look deep and meaningful and what not, although I realize in retrospect that it probably isn’t. :-\

But hey, it got me a 96, so I’m done complaining. :-X

Without further ado, here it is. Also attached for convenience.

And yeah, I just had to use a throwaway pun in the end.

Impressive! I loved it! I wish i was that good at writing poems :frowning:

Very nice poem there Angel, I enjoyed reading it.

I’ll show you guys a poem I made a couple of years ago, pretty sure you’ll figure out what it’s about.

[details=“Spoiler”][size=16px]Two kings fight
[size=16px]an endless battle.
[size=16px]The battlefield like
[size=16px]a square board
[size=16px]One king commands his
[size=16px]knights to attack
[size=16px]the enemy.
[size=16px]The knights defeat
[size=16px]the enemy
[size=16px]erasing them from
[size=16px]existence like erasing
[size=16px]lead from paper.
[size=16px]A knight is ambushed
[size=16px]from far away,
[size=16px]down he went from his
[size=16px]trusty steed into the clutches
[size=16px]of his enemy.
[size=16px]The enemy king is found
[size=16px]hidden away like a
[size=16px]balloon flying high in
[size=16px]an endless sky.
[size=16px]They corner the king,
[size=16px]he has nowhere to go.
[size=16px]The king is captured
[size=16px]thus it ends once more…
[size=16px]and yet it starts
[size=16px]all over again.
I’m not too good at poems either hahaha.

Also, don’t ask @brodur to ever write a poem… Just don’t…

But yeah, again really awesome poem there Angel!

I think I still have that paper somewhere, I’ll have to see if I can dig it up after school

You probably lost those 4 marks by that last line haahhahahahahaha

I never understood why teachers would give 96s instead of 100s. What was a fault in that poem? It was perfectly fine. A 96 is pretty much a 100 anyway, so I wouldn’t worry either way ;D

@AngelSentinel I won my school’s poetry contest last year. I think a poetry competition may be under way ;D I’d probably lose lol

Nice work, though. I laik

Teachers never give a 100. If they did, when they saw something better they couldn’t give it a higher mark.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Maybe I’ll take the time to write more poetry later… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s what rubrics are for - so that teachers can objectively provide standards by which assignments are graded. This one didn’t come with one though, so I really don’t know why it got deducted.