A new stop on the minecart rail system

I have been making a new town, and i wanted know how to construct a destination to the railsystem. I dont want to wrongfully edit it, so who is the one that actually owns it?

If I’m correct, it seems spec said something about building it to towns, he might own it

If you ask specialk / Mango_Bear They will tell you how to get a station on the railway.

By 05: fixed spec’s name

Sorry John but you spelled spec’s name wrong (you said SpecialK_ it has to be _specialk)

Spec has been known to lash out when the underscore is in the wrong place. Last time this occurred my house mysteriously burned down…

Love you spec <3 XD

Oh noos! I misspelled his name not long ago. Special_K… oops

Kyle, I fixed that for you =p

I’m safe from the wrath? It is rare to have someone ninja me!

Lol – I can never remember where the underscores are in names xD

Well you better! Cause I secretly like my username to be spelt #Char_ksLeg_endOf__

…Not really ;D

.> Well that went off topic quickly.

Anyhoo, back to railsystems.

im sure S_pecialk would have a cornary if he saw what you guise did to his name

Am I the only one who still has no idea why hes also called mango bear?

he has two different accounts :stuck_out_tongue: