A frank good-bye.

I love that last line More.
“In my opinion, it’s up to us whether we consider this the golden age. For it to be truly golden, all we need to do is polish it a little.”

I might put that in my signature. <3

Gonna miss ya KA, gotta say, you were one of my favorite canadians on the server :slight_smile:

aw thanks koala That made my day.

Damn, I remember when I posted a thread saying that those were the golden days.

In all honesty, I wasn’t there at the start of the server so I wouldn’t know how cool it was or anything. I joined the server at the start of 2013, and I enjoyed it a great deal. The server was doing well yet the community was still pretty small. But I just loved it!

It is true, the server has really changed in a year! So many new people! And its all pretty exciting. Sometimes, its hard to get to know everyone. Long gone are the days when you would log on and know every single player on the map.

But more players means more prospective friends!

Come one Ka, stay with us! :slight_smile: Maybe you don’t recognise PCB anymore because you don’t mix with the new players and make new friends. As time goes by, people will leave and its important to get to know new people!

Am I the only one wondering why this is suddenly active again a month after it was first posted?

Also, more, that was Koala, not Pen :wink:

But yes yes, golden days, yada yada. I still like it now. People complain about change, then get used to it, then complain again about new change, even if it goes back to how it used to be. For example, if the server now shrunk and went back to exactly how it used to be - how Duck described it - people would be saying “It’s dying! No new people! This sucks!”

You can’t please every one.

Honestly that

No… i just jumped on and was like… WTF, why is this thread active again?

And why in gods name is it stickied?

Good question. Not anymore.

I mean, I don’t have a problem with it, just seemed odd.

Honestly, I never saw you in the game and you’ve probably never seen me since because apparently you have been inactive lately!

As such, how can you say that things have changed and the community is not the same even if you enter the server to verify? Like any community, there are people who we like more and others that we like least but thats normal, and as has been said before, was a community grows, also grows conflicts!

I do not think you should give up already, make an effort to enter into the server and getting to know the “new” community! Personally i think it’s a nice community with people willing to help :smiley:

Sorry for any bad english :frowning:

PS: It’s a bit bad posting things like “RIP PCB - 2010/2013” :frowning:

This hurts :frowning:

All I can say rn…

Why did this randomly start picking up activity…

Is that such a problem?

I did already ask that actually, but oh well.

It doesn’t matter anyway, as it seems many people hadn’t read this.

Although, it’s worth noting that Ka likely won’t be reading any of these posts, as I’m pretty sure he did indeed disappear after posting this…

He did, he hasn’t been back since he posted this